Information on nearby businesses it provided here as a convenience by the SJCA. Inclusion does not indicate any type of endorsement. If you would like to see a business or phone number added, simply contact us with the information.
Restaurants and Take-out
Bare Bones Bar & Grill 410-461-0770 | Sea King 410-465-9663 | Shanty Grille 410-465-9660 |
Domino's Pizza 410-461-4242 | Pizza Hut 410-461-7717 | Vocelli Pizza 410-313-8774 |
Qdoba 410-203-0010 | Yama Sushi 410-997-3668 | Trattoria Amore 410-740-9903 |
Pets and Animals
Animal Welfare Society of Howard County 410-465-4350 | Ho. County Animal Control and Adoption Center 410-313-2780 |
Dunloggin Veterinary Hospital 410-465-6218 | VCA Lewis Animal Hospital 410-730-6660 |
Emergency Animal Hospital of Ellicott City 410-750-1177 | Emergency Veterinary Clinic (Catonsville) 410-788-7040 |