Imagine our Dunloggin neighborhood with a concrete plant at Frederick Road and St. John’s Lane, a major hospital in Gray Rock, a Great American Amusement Park nearby, a large shopping center in Dorsey, a dumping ground on St. John’s Lane, higher density and multi-family housing next door, more runoff and flooding, and less traffic control near the schools.
Greetings and welcome to the Saint Johns Community Association website, The description above could have been your neighborhood if not for the Saint John's Community Association (SJCA). For more than half a century, the SJCA has brought together dedicated residents of Dunloggin to work with the county government, utilities, and other agencies to protect and improve our neighborhood.
We strive to provide everyone residing in the Dunloggin area with information pertinent to living here. On, you can find county government contact information for issues that affect you in daily life (who to contact for recycling questions, problems dealing with cable TV supplier, report a dangerous road condition, etc) as well as information on commercial and non-profit entities. We invite residents of the Dunloggin community to add to Your comments, questions and feedback will help shape the association and keep our community informed. Check our website often. You will find all sorts of resources!
The SJCA supports our local organizations. We make an annual donation to the Northfield Elementary Carnival and help with the festivities. The historic Whipps Cemetery Garden ( is closely associated with the SJCA. We encourage residents to visit and support this landmark in your backyard. The SJCA also promotes Historic Ellicott City. Although not within the Dunloggin boundary, we want to see this local gem thrive and remind our neighbors (and visitors) of this historic town which has lots to offer for folks of all ages.
Please join your SJCA! Annual membership fees of $20 per household are the sole source of funding for the SJCA. Come to community meetings, share information and concerns, participate in our efforts, learn about local issues and how our county functions, meet dedicated, friendly, interesting people, and help make your community better! We will welcome your involvement at any level.
This is your community and your community association!