December 3, 2014, 7:00 pm First Evangelical Lutheran Church Corner of Chatham Road/Frederick Road Education Building, 2nd Floor AGENDA FOR DECEMBER 3 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: 2014 ANNUAL REPORT OF SJCA ACCOMPLISHENTS: new website, Northfield Sidewalk and Pathway through Dunloggin Park, updated bylaws, new committees and more 2014 COMMITTEE REPORTS: Local Business, Northfield/Crescent Safety, and newly […]
Archive | Nominating Committee
By-law changes affect upcoming election
Neighbors, New SJCA bylaws call for a Board to be comprised of five elected officers (president, VP, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, & Treasurer), and four ‘District Representatives’. Since the new bylaws went into effect between annual elections, the current officers are soliciting self-nominations from among SJCA MEMBERS to be considered for one of the District […]