Good morning Members,
This month is filled with all sorts of change and new adventures. As all know, school has returned in the form of Virtual Learning. Many kids are disappointed, but as Dr Martirano has reported, “better safe, than sorry” (I am paraphrasing…😊 Decisions regarding school building reentry are still being formulated.
Moving forward, though, your Board continues to explore the feasibility of returning to a “brick and mortar” meeting. As in the past, we have worked with the First Evangelical Lutheran Church to host our meetings and will continue to seek guidance from those folks regarding returning to that forum. The FELC has been nothing short of kind, cooperative and very supportive. So, when they are ready so will we. Please stay tuned!
Past President Recognition
Diane Butler, former SJCA President of many years, was kind enough to drop off a bin of historical documents pertaining to the formation of the SJCA Association. Also included were voluminous documents pertaining to the County’s Planning Board, elected officials and county staff and our many inputs regarding the building and implementation of the Miller Library, the Ellicott City 50+ center and the Lutheran Village at Miller’s Grant.
Great history and a very real reminder as to the benefits of a Community Association where so many voices can be heard in a focused and intelligent discussion. Efforts such as these do not occur by mere happenstance. They require lots of effort by the Board, personal commitment and tenacity to see things through. Diane held this position for multiple years, and we thank her for all her hard work and past leadership.
Water Preseveration
We recently partnered with our Water Preservation and Watershed Guru Ms. Cathy Rice. Thanks to a federal grant she received she created a very attractive brochure filled with many practical water conservation techniques the homeowner can employ. Your SJCA utilized this opportunity and inserted a “Welcome Letter” to all residents of Dunloggin. This was at no cost to the SJCA other than volunteering our kids to help stuff the mailings….LOL. Partnerships, such as this, can routinely accomplish more collectively versus stand-alone efforts. Thanks again to Ms. Cathy Rice.
Annual Dues……please wait.
As mentioned in our Facebook page and web site we are migrating to a calendar-fixed period when membership dues are due (sounds odd, I know.) The “rolling membership” created by PayPal is too labor intensive to research when a member wants to know if they are current (which btw seems a perfectly reasonable inquiry to the Board.)
Our General Membership Meeting is scheduled every January. The window for dues renewal will focus on this meeting typically scheduled during the first two weeks of January. Here is your takeaway please:
If you are unclear as to the status of your dues, please wait. As we get closer to the end of the year we will provide step by step instructions how to stop an automatic payment previously scheduled via PayPal (if you use this form of payment with PayPal) and how to create a new “automatic payment." Folks who pay by check or cash will follow the same timetable.
New Neighbors…..
Dunloggin continues to grow with new residents and homeowners. Just in the past couple of weeks we have new neighbors in the MacAlpine/Dunloggin Road corridor. New families with kids and new energy. The school system continues to be a huge draw for our county in addition to the many wonderful county departments which enhance our quality of life. Welcome to all.
COVID 19 Update……..
Howard County continues to update its website regarding new information concerning COVID-19. The site is very reader friendly. Please take a look and stay informed. A link has been attached for your convenience.
In the arena of persons who have contracted COVID a number of FAQ have emerged in these uncertain times. Some of them include:
- What type of symptoms might I exhibit if I contract covid?
- How long are you contagious?
- How long do you quarantine if you discover you have been exposed?
- When do you seek emergency medical care?
A good link for these and other questions is:
I recently came across another question that was a bit unique and ran a bit close to home. I have a relative in New Kensington, PA and currently undergoing physical rehabilitation as a result of his diabetes at St Margaret’s Hospital (UPMC). Notwithstanding superb care and treatment he keeps testing positive for COVID. This has been going on for at least two months now. Bizarre.
I have talked to his primary care team at UPMC (doctors, nurses, specialists, surgeons) and their takeaway is the virus is no longer replicating (contagious), but nevertheless lingers in his genetics and discovered as a result of PCR testing. Explanation for PCR testing is attached:
This headline addresses some of the challenges and complexities of this virus:
“Doctors Wonder What to Do When Recovered COVID-19 Patients Still Test Positive”
Great article and worth the time to review and digest. Remember: there is no better protection than arming yourself with accurate information.
Seeds from China…….
Your SJCA President recently received some seeds from Singapore, China. Mary Catherine is the planter in the family so this is unusual. MC advised there is a scam going around that has been identified in the local media affiliated with these seeds. It is called, “Brushing.” Vendors capture your personal information and use it to make great claims and bogus reviews on their product as “verified purchasers.” If this occurs you are encouraged to review your credit reports to determine if any new accounts have been opened or attempted therein.
If you have received seeds from China that you have not ordered, what to do? Below is an advisory from the Maryland Department of Agriculture:
Department Issues Advisory Regarding Unsolicited Packages of Seeds from China
July 28, 2020
The Maryland Department of Agriculture is aware that people across the country, including in Maryland, have received unsolicited packages of seeds from China in recent days. MDA is working closely with its partners at USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to monitor this situation.
If you live in Maryland and have received a package of seeds that you did not order, please report them immediately to the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s Plant Protection and Weed Management program at or 410-841-5920.
Please hold onto the seeds and packaging, including the mailing label, until MDA or USDA APHIS contacts you with further instructions. Do not plant any seeds from unknown origins.
More information on this investigation is available from USDA APHIS.
As suggested above I contacted the Maryland Department of Agriculture and they returned my call. Spoke to employee Kim Rice who reports most of the seeds were benign, but some were determined to be noxious invasive weeds. Since this is occurring nationwide she advised someone from the federal Department of Agriculture (USDA) would be in touch to advise what to do with the seeds. She requested that I hold onto them in their original packaging until further notice. Will do. I also posed this question: "If a merchant can retrieve your personal information from the internet to misrepresent a bogus review of their products or services why send the seeds at all?" She replied, "That is an excellent question. I don't know."
Also, if it was sample product to encourage sales there is no form or added info for you to purchase more seeds. That gives one pause. In any event, if you receive some please follow the advice of local and federal officials.
My thanks to all SJCA Board members who continue to work hard on your behalf behind the scenes as we march closer to 2021. It has been a challenging year, but they have remained steadfast in their desire to make our community and this association better.
May the Fall of 2020 minimize your burdens and maximize your joy!!
---Dave Crawford
SJCA, President
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