Greetings to our Members, Neighbors and Friends,
This past month was filled with activity for both the Association and our community. First, as all parents and students know, distance learning has successfully concluded. Some parents felt distance learning was a breeze for both them and their children. That is great news. The rest of us came to appreciate our teachers, if that is possible, in a whole different light...:-) For all the teachers, para educators and staff here is a huge "shout out" for all your hard work and efforts learning new techniques and strategies to teach virtually. It was most welcomed to hear all the hilarity and cooperation as kids continued their studies on line. Our teachers and staff at Northfield ES, Dunloggin Middle and Centennial are very special!!
Second, like many organizations and associations we have been following Covid-19 very closely. As have you, no doubt. It has touched almost every component of day to day life to include how we accomplish neighborhood goals and objectives. There are a few things that remain on the agenda of the Board that require your input and feedback. For instance, the bylaws are required to be reviewed every four years. Our last review/adoption was 2014 which means as an Association we are more than two years overdue. Nothing catastrophic, but nevertheless some updating is needed.
Third, we are still working with Ms. Catherine Rice our Master Watershed Steward. Cathy is assembling a brochure that will go out soon with more helpful tips toward water conservation and watershed protection. Many members have visited the First Evangelical Lutheran Church at Chatham and Frederick Road and seen the awesome Rock and Water Preservation Garden installed there courtesy of a grant. Former President Kate Held worked closely with Cathy and did a remarkable job.
Fourth, we are reviewing and updating our Membership Roll. This is most important as you probably have noticed Dunloggin continues to attract a number of growing families when our neighbors decide to retire elsewhere when they no longer need a school system. As a result, our Members Roster remains dynamic and, of course, one of the requirements of membership is you need to live here. I know, we are fussy like that...:-) There is much good news in the arrival of new families as they often bring new ideas and youthful energy. So, if you haven't joined the SJCA yet please consider doing so. If you are an existing member please renew your dues. Just click the "Join The SJCA" button and it will take you to Paypal. The only revenue we garner for the Association is via your support. Your ideas, comments and energy are welcomed.
Fifth, our awesome Corresponding Secretary Tony Scuto recently spoke to Aleta Gravel, the Master Gardener at Whipps. She has a need for some good old-fashioned volunteering to help plant the bushes that SJCA helped sponsored recently. I think she’s planning early September. If you are capable and interested please contact her directly at, She would also welcome some help from kids home for the summer and needing some activity.
Sixth, the SJCA supported a new local business. Many of you probably noticed the front yard sign of our neighbor located on St John's Lane near Frederick Road regarding a conditional use request. Our Land Use Committee Chair, Angie Boyter, spoke to the owner of the proposed business, Hfltfli Pratik Bhatt, to address concerns regarding customer and traffic use. Everyone in Dunloggin knows what a challenge it can be to back out from a driveway to enter St. John's Lane. It is a challenge to put it mildly. Angie's chat went very well and she could see first hand there is sufficient parking for any customer to do a three point turn at the top of the drive to allow a front first exit onto SJL. Also, folks familiar with Henna services know how much time is invested with each customer limiting the need for extravagant parking. In keeping with the bylaws, however, this land use was put before your Board before any member can testify on behalf of the Association. The support of this initiative was unanimous. Consequently, Angie testified at the web based hearing July 2nd on behalf of the SJCA to support the efforts of Ms. Bhatt. Also testifying at the hearing was Dunloggin resident Jocelyn Irwin in support of "Women Owned Businesses." Thank you Jocelyn. Many thanks goes out to Angie Boyter for taking the initiative and working diligently with the owner of a potential and productive business. The hearing examiner is expected to make a decision in about two weeks.
Last thought, unless Covid-19 does a remarkable turnabout we may not be able to conduct a "brick and mortar" quarterly meeting in the Fall when it is due. The local and state government and their CDC guidelines will play a large role here. Consequently, your Board is exploring conducting a "virtual" or online meeting for the membership. We are exploring a Zoom meeting where members can log in and participate. Herein lies the dilemma, though, we will need to confirm membership for voting purposes.
In some instances, we have names, addresses and email addresses, but not all for our members. Using Paypal to collect dues is efficient, but in the past it lacked the ability to collect other data. To resolve this, and if you wish to continue being on our mail chimp roster, please email us at with a cc to to remain active. Please include your name, physical address and email. More info regarding the Fall meeting and its agenda will be forthcoming. Thanks for hanging in there with us.
Please stay smart, safe and have fun this summer.
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