Adopted new Bylaws that provided for:
- A Board composed of five officers and four District Reps (vice five officers and more than 20 Area Reps)
- Four Board meetings per year and one required General Membership meeting for the purpose of voting in the new Board each December
- Better stewardship of the resident-members’ money through the preparation of a budget for the upcoming year and the guiding principle that a year’s planned expenses should not exceed that year’s projected income from dues.
Revolutionized the Association’s web presence (
- Added the option to pay with PayPal on the webpage
- Provided handy links for residents to navigate from the page to other local pages of interest
SJCA’s 501(c)(4) status has initial IRS approval and is now with an IRS manager for final approval. SJCA expects notification of 501(c)(4) status by mail before the end of December 2014.
Improved the lives of our residents and the live-ability of our neighborhood through the actions of four SJCA-sponsored committees:
- Northfield/Crescent Safety Committee: neighborhood sidewalk and pedestrian pathway opened to provide increased safe access to Northfield Elementary and Dunloggin Middle Schools.
- Local Business Committee
- Water Mitigation Committee: assessing scope and identifying causes of water/flooding problems in the neighborhood with the goal of mitigation
- Reliability: Howard County entered the case, originally brought by local residents. A hearing took place for the second petition before the Public Service Commission. The County’s funded expert showed that the lack of standardized metrics across the State resulted in BGE’s use of metrics which did not include duration of the outage. Metrics state-wide have been impacted by this case.
Sponsored the Northfield ES 5K and Fun Run
Investigated a fall social festival but could not move forward without spending more money than SJCA took in this year. The stumbling block was paying for event insurance.