Thanks to the SJCA Board members and residents who attended the meeting last night! And thanks to BGE for providing information and answering our questions. Some highlights of the meeting:
- BGE is preparing information for distribution to the community.
- A committee is being formed to address traffic safety throughout the community, especially speeding and some troublesome intersections. WATCH FOR MORE DETAILS ON THIS! Your input and participation are encouraged!
- Councilman Jon Weinstein and his assistant Gary Smith could not attend due to tight schedules but provided an update. Jon is working on legislation to address many of our concerns and introducing matters as the process allows. Watch for more details in the future about this too!
- DPW is preparing the final plans/specs for the Northfield sidewalks and will be contacting those residents. Assuming all goes as planned, installation would be summer 2016.
- Next hearing regarding the Conditional Use application for 4033 SJL (BA-14-031C) to change the house to a two-apartment apartment house will be July 9, 6 pm at the George Howard Building. Neighbors and SJCA will be testifying against the application.
- Next board meeting is Wednesday, September 2. If matters require, we may have a special meeting during the summer.
Also, if you have a neighborhood event and want to post pictures on the SJCA website, let us know through the website
THANKS to all who attended! Great discussion and great ideas which we aim to turn into great results!
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