Meeting will be on the 2nd floor, Education Building, First Evangelical Lutheran Church (corner of Chatham and Frederick Roads)
Join us! All residents are welcome! Agenda includes: updates from Councilman Jon Weinstein’s office, election of Board of Governors, 2016 annual report, and looking ahead to 2017 to address topics such as stormwater management, traffic/safety, and pedestrian/bike plans. To vote for the Board, annual budget and other matters, the household must be a current member (go to for membership and other information). Bring a neighbor, meet new neighbors and help support our wonderful neighborhood! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Interested in babysitting for the Annual Meeting?
SJCA has the possibility of providing babysitting in the room next to the meeting as long as there are at least 2 adults present - one over 21 and one over 18. So, 3 questions: (1) anyone willing to be one of the required adults?; (2) any teenagers who want to help out (we can check on community service hours if that helps)?; and (3) if the service is offered, would you be interested in using it and how many children would need to be watched? Please reply here or message me. Thanks, Jean (President of SJCA). (see prior announcement about the meeting itself - Wed., 12/7 at 7 pm at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2nd floor, Education Building)
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