On behalf of SJCA, a BIG THANK YOU to all the residents who attended the General Membership Meeting last evening! We had a packed house and it was great to see so many new and familiar faces! We covered a lot of ground, including an informative update from Councilmember Jon Weinstein (who made the extra effort to attend in the midst of the County Executive’s budget hearings, which shows his commitment to our community). As we respond to the great input we had from all, we will circulate information and updates on the website, www.mysjca.org, and other channels. These updates will include 4033 St. John’s Lane (owner is requesting permission from county to turn it into a two-family dwelling), a traffic/safety “hot spot” survey, filling Area Rep spots and responses to the miscellaneous requests for attention or information.
The result of the election for the Board of Governors was:
President – Jean Sedlacko
Vice President –Evelyn Henderson
Treasurer – Greg Kelly
Recording Secretary – Star Dolbie
Corresponding Secretary – Bob Cavey
North District Rep – Tom Broderick
SouthDistrict Rep – Peter Green
West District Rep – Beth Connor
East DistrictRep – to be determined.
A big THANKS to Lynne D’Autrechy (Corresponding Secretary), Liz Lord (Recording Secretary) and Sara Siemers (South District Rep) for their prior service to the Board. Your contributions were invaluable!
- Jean Sedlacko, President
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