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Your Digital Newsletter Has Arrived…….

SJCA Neighbors and Friends,

Your Board of Governors is pleased to announce the publication of our 2020 Inaugural Digital Newsletter.  Much effort, with your help, has resulted in this newsletter.  Within the newsletter you will find updates concerning redistricting and library access along with updated contact information regarding our state and local officials.  You need to get hold of an elected official?, we have provided their office website and contact info.  We have also included convenient links for every day use affiliated with Howard County, (landfill, library, schools, county government, etc.)  In the near future we will be including a "Members Only" section for more detailed updates and community information.  Last, and certainly not least, you will also see a sidebar for reader-friendly links for COVID-19 updates.  They come from multiple sources and web sites and will keep you up to date on the most recent health data and restrictions.   As you may know, in keeping with local health guidelines, we had to cancel our June, quarterly meeting.  We will review the health data together and make a determination regarding September.

Regarding this web site, we are in the process of updating that as well.  You will see under the Menu button of "Affiliates" we have added two local PTAs.  We have supported and championed NES and DMS in the past, but now provide direct links to their home page for your convenience and support. We have also adjusted menus and sub menus to enhance user friendliness.  More customization is coming in keeping with the times and your needs.

These may be challenging times where we maintain social physical distance, but your Board is determined and focused on keeping in touch with our neighbors, listening to your concerns and moving this association and community forward.

Please enjoy the newsletter.  We will be in touch.

---Dave from Dunloggin


SJCA Newsletter June-1-2020
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